mill installation
Within not much more than a sturdy drill press i squeezed a mill into my workshop. This is my cheap chinese ZX45 ( a rong fu 45 knock off) at some point i will add a dro, this fellow has …
Within not much more than a sturdy drill press i squeezed a mill into my workshop. This is my cheap chinese ZX45 ( a rong fu 45 knock off) at some point i will add a dro, this fellow has …
Quad not only made electrostatic speakers in the 70’s. They made a 100 watt class A amp specifically to drive them. Naturally it would be a crime to drive them with anything but this amp. thankfully the design has been …
I ordered a carved neck on ebay and set about making the body, so far so good. remaining tweaks: add electrics, (simple little piezo pickups under the bridge) the bridge needs to be raised a little. and obviously a whole …
My take on a modern bed assembled without the need of nails/ screws etc, sure the japanese woodworkers and the arts and crafts movement have been doing this for thousands of years. but did they use industrial truck straps? I …
A couple of years ago i decided it was time to get on board the whole 3d printing bandwagon. It appeared to have matured beyond the nasty little threaded rod prusa / mendel designs and hopefully the software had matured …
My grandfather was almost completely blind, so i rigged up this little device for him. The goal was to detect obstacles out to about 3 meters, and warn him as he approached them. I simply put a phone vibrator (he was …
simple little breadboard project combining a bunch of sensors with a raspberry pi and graphing the results. The the sensors pictured are the bmp085 barometric pressure sensor and the HIH-6130 humidity sensor, both from sparkfun. Ive since figured out …