Large scale public sculpture design and fabrication

Yulia Pinkusevich and myself won a design competition  to create a massive sculptural seating installation.
We are not yet legally allowed to refer to the client, but we will have more of the prestigious specifics shortly.
In the mean time we can show the progress so far.

To assist our quantity surveying, load assessment and provide a richer appreciation of the techtonic details as we design i created a tool in a VFX 3d package Houdini that procedurally converts large organic forms to individually machinable components ( we intend to build using wood beams )

So with the click of a button we are able to see the results of our design decisions in its final form.
the tool automatically takes parameters sucks as board dimensions and orientation, board lap (layer offset), board color variation, wall thickness to enable automatic hollowing of the form.

below are some preliminary examples of the form and the tool in action.

mcmurtry_v001_sm mcmurtry_v002_sm


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